Tree Inspection – Tree Risk Assessment
Prompt Response, Tree Risk Assessment
Trees are amazing living organisms that are beneficial to our planet and that can add great value to your property. Unfortunately, trees can have structural defects or weaknesses that can be quite hazardous. Our certified arborist can provide a full tree risk assessment in order to determine whether or not you’re property contains trees that are structurally unsound and dangerous.
We use experience, education, and resources to consider factors such as species, location, size, weight distribution, defects, and signs of illness (mushrooms/ fungus, collar rot, deadwood, etc.) in our tree risk assessment to decide what course of action is best to keep your property and the people on it as safe as possible. Please don’t delay in having one of our arborist come out to assess your potential tree health risk. Knowing your tree risk is minimized will help you breathe easier and can save you serious and detrimental cost down the road.
Watch out for these Warning Signs of Tree Health Problems:
1. Excessive amounts of deadwood/ dieback
2. Branches and leaves with signs of insect infestation
3. Untimely discoloration of leaves
4. Noticeably small bud development
5. Lack of new growth
6. Root systems or trunks affected by fungal growths (i.e. conks/ mushrooms)
Our expert tree health care technicians will evaluate the condition of your trees, shrubs, plants to determine if your soil has the proper levels of micro and macro nutrients, pH balance, and if it has the ability to hold moisture and transport nutrients appropriately. Using up-to-date EPS (Environmental Protection Society) approved products, our technicians will address pesticide problems that damage your trees, shrubs and other plants. These products are non-toxic to beneficial insects that serve good purpose in your garden or landscape.
Have Your Trees Overgrown the Space you Have?
Many trees experience accelerated growth and develop heavy, elongated limbs during the summer season. Storms that are expected this fall and winter may increase the risk of limb failure. We can perform reduction pruning – controlling the overall size of a tree or major branches to the extent desired to avoid damaging the tree itself, other trees, or structures around them. As a major benefit, reduction pruning lowers the risk of major breaks during wind or ice storms and helps prevent trees from being uprooted. Now is the time to schedule fall and winter pruning to avoid damage to your trees or property.
Tree Root Damage
The health and longevity of trees depends on the health of their roots. Root damage is one of the major causes of tree failure. Trees with root damage may fall over due to the roots no longer being able to support their weight, or supply water and nutrients. Indications of root problems include: discoloration and reduced size of the tree canopy, branches dying, leaning, visible dead roots, broken roots, and the presence of fungi. These symptoms may be undetectable to the untrained eye. To determine how much damage the root system of your tree has sustained, consult with our arborist to find out how much of the rooting area was affected and what can be done to improve the situation. Stressed trees are more prone to attack by certain pests. We will also inspect your trees for signs of insects or diseases.
Have a Hollow Tree?
Have a Leaning Tree?
Tree De-Mossing
Lightning Protection for Trees
Tree Cabling & Bracing
Please Call 704-366-1134 or SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT on-line with an AAA TREE EXPERTS Arborist. We will do a complete tree health inspection to determine if a course of action is required.
Learn more about AAA Tree Experts in Charlotte, NC.
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