5 Signs It’s Time to Trim Trees

5 Signs It’s Time to Trim Trees
on January 9, 2022 in Tree Trimming

5 Signs It’s Time to Trim Trees

You may recall an incident from May of 2021 when a roadside tree landed on top of a car, injuring those involved. To some, this may have seemed like an unusual incident. To us, it was the sign of a tree that required injury-preventing maintenance.

Trimming the trees on your property isn’t just for aesthetic value. It is also an important way to protect your property and anyone on it, as overgrown or damaged trees do present a safety hazard.

So, how do you know when it’s time to give us a call to trim trees on your property? We’re here to tell you!

Read on for five signs that it’s time to trim your trees and why you should always hire a tree trimming service, rather than tackling the job, yourself.

Signs That You’re in Need of a Tree Trim

The last thing you want is for a tree branch to fall onto your home, your shed, your car, or a person. Looking out for some warning signs can prevent this from happening. Plus, it can encourage healthy growth, allowing you to enjoy your trees for years to come.

Let’s take a look at some of the signs you’ll be able to identify that indicate that you need to trim trees.

1. Broken Branches

Take a look at the branches growing out of your trees. Do any of them appear weak or cracked? Are you noticing any partial breakages or branches that are starting to bow downward, as if too heavy to support themselves?

Branches that are beginning to break are going to break eventually. Rather than letting them fall at random, let us cut them down.

2. Unusual Growing Patterns

While trees are unique, organic creatures with unique, organic growing patterns, you still want your trees to grow a certain way. Ideally, the trunk should grow upward at a consistent angle with branches growing outward at a consistent angle.

If a tree starts to develop a “second” trunk, this could pose a problem by putting too much strain on the base of the trunk. If one branch of your tree starts to grow across another branch, these need to be removed. Crossing branches can encourage death or decay.

3. Diseased or Dead Limbs

Like broken limbs, diseased and dead limbs will eventually fall on their own if not removed with care. Plus, the disease can start to migrate from one branch to another and even spread to other trees. When disease infects one or more of the branches on a tree, it’s important that we remove the affected branches to isolate the disease.

How can you spot signs of disease or death? Look for things like abnormal colors or patterns in the bark, the death of foliage, and the overall appearance of rot. Trees tend to decay from the inside out, so if you notice signs of disease or death, contact us right away.

4. Branches Growing Near Other Structures

Sometimes trees that are healthy and growing in sustainable patterns still need trimming. Oftentimes, this occurs when branches are encroaching on other structures.

For example, you don’t want your trees to start growing into and around power lines. You also want to keep an eye on branches that are growing near or over the roof of your house or shed or your driveway. This growth can cause damage and destruction whether or not branches start to break and fall.

5. Storm Damage

Experts note that we don’t have enough data on the link between storms, tree damage, and injuries. While the exact numbers are hard to track down, we do know that storm damage can impact your trees in a dangerous way.

Here in Charlotte, we’re not prone to experiencing regular hurricanes like our neighbors on the cost. Still, we often get gale-force wind and rain, as well as lightning, snowfall, and other natural occurrences that can impact trees.

After a moderate to major storm, make sure to inspect your trees for damage. If you notice any broken branches or leaning trunks, let us know.

Why Hire Professional Tree Trimming Services?

Chances are, you do some pruning and trimming on your own. You might prune back your bushes for the winter or shape up the hedges that grow in your front yard. Why shouldn’t you apply those same skills to trimming your own trees?

For starters, trimming a tree requires different equipment than trimming something like a bush or hedge. You may need to climb a ladder or use a saw, both tools that come with potential risk. If you’re not used to working in these conditions, it’s not worth figuring it out through trial and error.

Most importantly, trimming a tree requires skill and knowledge. Not only do you need to know where to cut a branch to promote growth and tree health but you also need to know how to cut a branch safely. Decades of education and experience have allowed our arborists to approach tree trimming with skill and remove hazardous branches without compromising safety.

In other words, DIY tree trimming isn’t worth the risk.

Don’t Neglect Your Trees: Trim Trees to Increase Protection

If your Charlotte property is home to one or more trees, do the right thing. Pay close attention to each tree, looking for the signs we’ve discussed above. If you notice any of these signs or anything else that strikes you as unusual, give us a call so we can trim trees and keep your property safe.

Want to know more about how we can promote healthy growth on your property? Do you have some problem trees in your yard and want to schedule an inspection or trim? Contact us and we’ll be in touch right away.

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